Saturday 21 March 2015

Development from Painting workshop.

The next stage of the work shop Stevie told us to try in our time was building onto the paintings we had done earlier. To do this we scanned the paintings we created to music and portraits. Once scanned and printed we ripped them into small sections and passed them round choosing the ones that we found the marks, colours most intriguing. 

We then stuck each section on a page in our sketchbooks the aim now was to create small collages using the section we chose as the starting point. I would place a section on my page and then start trying to recreate and work from that central point to experiment making the same marks, colours and shapes.

It was fun as we were again changing something that we all worked on to make something new it gave you a sense of freedom with the pieces. It was also a challenge to try and make the same marks and mix the colours. Making you think more about what your doing or have to do to create one colour or brush stroke.



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