Monday 1 December 2014

Dr Fernan Federici.

I love how Federici finds art in unexpected places. Whilst studying biological sciences at Cambridge University studying self-organisation he happened across the interesting patterns on a cellular level. Federici used microscopes and a process called fluorescence microscopy this involves shining a particular light on what they are trying to illuminate to which the substance will identify itself by shining a particular colour or light back. His work was meant to be just for his course but because of his passion and interest in the patterns he started looking at old plants that Cambridge used in teaching due to the dyes that used to be applied, before fluorescence microscopy was used, to single out certain cells or structures. The dyes stayed on the samples for years now make really intriguing images under the microscope. The most interesting thing about some of his images is that the sample is organic but the shapes that make it up can be very geometric, complex and structured.

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