Wednesday 13 May 2015

Edition print book.

Finally the 5 students (including me) finished the edition print book. The process took 2 days being stressful and challenging at times but seeing the finished piece was worth it. I think I have enjoyed this the most out of everything I have tried this year it was great working as part of a team and we had fun as well whilst making it. After my tutorial with Colin about what my print should be all I knew was that it had to be still life and that out of all my work I was inspired most of all by the water colour painting below. As the portrait wasn't considered still life Colin suggested that I could draw from a china doll and use that as the portrait for my print. Luckily my grand mother had one that I could lend once I had drawn my template incorporating the natural objects I could make my dry point plate. The process of making the book took time as we did an edition of 8 which meant each person had to print 8 of their chosen plate, then we had to decide on an order, measure the paper, give it a deckled edge, centre it but remembering to leave room for the binding. Each of us got involved in making the end papers, cover, wrap around cover and more. I'm so happy I got involved and get to keep my book forever.

Water colour painting.
My grand mothers china doll.

Wrap around cover with silk screen title.

Japanese stab stitch book with silk screen title.

Practice dry point print.

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