Tuesday 12 May 2015

Artist research from development of painting workshop.

Here are some examples of Frankenthaler's work that inspired me to continue developing my colour samples from the painting workshop I took part in earlier in the semester. I love these paintings for the bold and subtle use of colour schemes and mark making techniques. I really like her composition in each painting with the almost cloud like effect she creates.

Development pieces from workshop-watercolour painting.

Development pieces from painting workshop- acrylic painting.

Development from painting workshop- acrylic painting.

Gillian Ayres also inspired me after the workshop with Stevie as I really like her wide range of colour schemes and the marks she makes in each of her pieces. Again inspiring me to try new ways of creating brush strokes and marks.

WOLS expressionist work is similar to that of Anthony Garratt only they differ in the sense you can make out the scene in Garratt's work whereas WOLS lets you guess and try to understand the emotion that it is conveying. I love this as he uses colour and mark making as tools to present an atmosphere.

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