Tuesday 12 May 2015

Development of Screenprints.

For these I took inspiration from my artist research; Jennifer Judd Mc Gee, and Julia McKenzie. I wanted to work back into my silk screen prints so when looking at Jennifer Judd Mc Gees' work I took inspiration from her use of collage, natural shapes and patterns. So I started to look back at my photos and objects I collected from Formby beach and chose the shapes I found most interesting. I love this first water colour painting as I found the seaweeds structure intriguing and by placing it at the top of the portrait it also seems as though it is representing the shape of a brain. Using materials I already had such as ink and maps is what led me to look into Julia McKenzie's work. I like the expressive way she creates her collages and ink studies I wish my attempts were more fluid and less constrained.  

Watercolour painting.

Watercolour and ink painting.

Collage, ink, charcoal, graphite and pencil drawing.

Collage, mono print, ink, biro pen, and pencil drawing.

collage, coloured pencil and screen print.

collage, screen print, mono print.

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