Wednesday 22 October 2014

Ready, Steady...SCULPT!

The Ready Steady Sculpt event was about bringing as many people together from the different levels on visual art course. I found this the best part of the course because I got to ask the older years what they thought of the course and what projects they were doing which was really interesting. The theme of the event was centred on hybridity and united we stand. We were asked to bring along found materials and objects so I asked my house mates to save all their bottles, cartons and boxes. After being split into groups we went to look for more materials to build our sculpture with. Finding a wide range of materials we needed to plan what we intended to build and how it linked to the theme of the workshop. We decided to create a sculpture that used a wide range of materials (fitting with the hybridity theme) and then tried experimenting attaching them all in different ways. Bringing the different objects together was our idea of showing how even though we are all different when we work together we become united.

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