Thursday 6 November 2014

Rob Kesseler.

Rob Kesselers' work inspired me to start exploring the world under a microscope. I loved looking at the organic matter under a microscope as the patterns and shapes were so fascinating. It's amazing that these complex patterns, abstract and geometric shapes are in our everyday life but we never see them. Deciding to do microscopic images has made me really excited to get in touch with Salford University's Science department. I intend to use the microscopes to take pictures of the samples, make my own samples/view them and capture photos of them.


Oak Section.

Marigold reflected section.

Sphagnum Palustre.

Zona Pellucida- starts with a dot of ink and dye that moves out across the paper surface until its stained cellular form is revealed by the action of water.
Kesselers' work is both beautiful and informative, the way he captures these minute organisms and presents them in ways that transforms them from just being scientific research but also artwork. His ink works are so delicate and I really like the contrast of this pastel colour scheme compared to the bright garish colour scheme of the microscope images.

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