Monday 29 September 2014


Original finished mask.

Finished mask edited.
Here I finished the mask by adding feathers to the inside using a glue gun. After doing some research on owl's I found that they had long oval shaped beaks and so I added a piece of card using the glue gun and painting it with acrylics. I am really happy with the finished product as the paint and feathers work well together.

Friday 26 September 2014

Almost There...

Front of Costume.

Back of Costume.

Costume Detail.
The natural colour scheme I chose was because I wanted to be easily recognised as an owl and also because the colours complemented my skin tone well. My Grandma actually gave me some old clothes she no longer wanted such as t-shirts, long skirts and jackets. Starting by cutting a template out of cardboard I marked the shape on the material and then cut it out repeating this process until I had enough to fill the dress shape. I started to attach them to the dress using pins thinking about the placement of the shapes I thought about an owl's chest feathers and how they are lighter than the rest of the body feathers so created an oval area of lighter material gradually going darker. Now I need to start sewing them on the dress!